Logan Brown

Relationship Manager

Logan’s career is just starting. His growing passion for the business field resulted in him pursuing his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at Murray State University. He graduated in May of 2021 and began his career here.

Logan is a western Kentucky native, who's grown up in Hickory, which is just a few miles south of our office. Logan has a love for connecting and learning about people; therefore, he fits in well at our office. When Logan is away from the office, he's spending time with his wife, Khepreisha. They love to spend their free time traveling and are quite the Disney fanatics. Logan’s family recently grew by 4 legs with the addition of a new puppy, Zola. Logan loves to take her to local dog parks and spend a cozy weekend in curled up with her.

Logan works on the Operations Team, handling different tasks and behind-the-scenes work for the clients and staff at Jennings & Associates. Logan’s future in the finance world is just beginning, and we're excited for what the future holds. Logan is driven to make processes at Jennings & Associates run smoothly and make every client experience an unforgettable one.

Logan and Khepreisha
Logan’s Dog